Style: N/A
Statement: N/A
“Now spend this money wisely.” I hear my mother say
As she hands me 60 dollars in preparation for the day
Where I leave her nest and venture to DC and then New York
With a group of my own classmates who to me were all jut dorks.
“Be careful now,” I think to myself, “I can’t be unwise or hasty.”
And so I swear on my own life to prove myself to be thrifty.
As I venture down Times Square, it is a time most opportune!
And so I make the prudent purchase of ten collectable spoons.
One is silver, the other gold, inscribed with lady liberty.
“Looky here!” I brag to my peers, boasting my newfound vanity,
And no amount of their ridicule can possibly change my mind.
For I have not a single regret for my substantial find.
My parents and I unfortunately do not see eye to eye.
“A waste of money!”, “Rip-off!” I hear them scream and cry.
They just don’t understand their worth, for the only memory that looms
Is of the time that I purchased ten collectable spoons.